
Student Facilities


We have ELMS support (Electronic Learning Management System) that is used throughout the trimester for all kind of interaction between faculties and students.

  • ELMS helps the students to access organized information over the internet even if they are not on campus.
  • Through ELMS faculties can post notices & course materials, assign home works, and take quizzes (online).
  • ELMS helps student to stay up-to-date with university information and keep them organized for all courses throughout the trimester.

Click here to access eLMS of UIU

Library Facilities

Seating CapacityArea (sq.ft)
a. Reading Hall
b. Stack Room
c. Current Periodicals room
d. Issue Counters
e. Office & Store
f. Details of online library facilities
2 office, 1 store 15 browsing PCs with internet facility.

Departmental Library Books and Journals: To be established within 6 months

SI. No.ItemTitles acquired in last 3 years
(with cost) (2000-2001, 2001-
2002, 2002-2003, etc.)
Totals Titles
held on date
1. Books
2. Journals
2300 (2008), 1780(2007), 1500 (2006)
1800(2008), 1300(2007), 900(2006)

Departmental Library Books and Journals: To be established within 6 months

SI. No.ItemTitles acquired in last 3 years
(with cost) (2000-2001, 2001-
2002, 2002-2003, etc.)
Totals Titles held on date
2300 (2008), 1780 (2007), 1500 (2006)
1800 (2008), 1300 (2007), 900 (2006)


U-CAM (University Comprehensive Academic Manager) this service ensures automation of all possible activities covered by Universities for smooth and effective management with greater efficiency, includes innovative features like E-Learning and Publication Management.

General Features:

# Attractive dashboard
# Innovative Search Function and simple login
# Display of latest news or events or alerts on dashboard
# Web access
# Print friendly view
# Branch & Department Based Control flow
# Manual & Automatic Backup
# Conflict Notification based on defined policy
# Easy navigation
# Laboratory Management
# Event Management
# Multiple Campus/Branch Management
# Scholarship Management


 Through the admission module a prospective student can apply online from anywhere in Bangladesh. It would facilitate the use of online payment gateway for the payment of admission fee prior to the admission test. An interface will allow the students to upload the studentsโ€™ academic credential, photo along with their signature. Afterwards, upon verification, a student will be issued a printable admit card available online for the on campus admission test. After the processing of the final results of the admission test, this module notifies the successful candidates online and sms so that they can get admitted with the payment of admission fees. After the admission of a student, all the necessary information related with his/her is passed on to the registration system. The module is capable of performing statistical analysis on different aspects pertaining to the admission that would allow the management to adapt a dynamic admission policy.


 The registration module is capable to adopt in annual, semester, or trimester system. This allows a student to take courses in different academic calendars following the respective curriculum of his/her academic program. The module will check and allow student to take any course if the prerequisite is completed and the class routine and exam routine do not have any conflict. The outstanding dues of a student can be seen and the module can track oneโ€™s current payment status as payments are made. At any point of time a student can visualize the flow chart of the courses of his/her program and the status of the completed and uncompleted courses. It would guide the students with a list of probable courses that a student can registrar. Also, the different combination of courses according to oneโ€™s major and minor can be seen. After completion of the courses, the module can perform a degree validation to verify if he/she fulfills the degree requirement. A studentโ€™s registration can be automatically blocked depending on his/her payment status, state of probation, etc. Further, maximum allowable course credit for individual student can be set. It can generate the list of students on probation along with different statistical analyses.

Bill Generation

 This deals with all the financial accounts related with studentsโ€™ activities. It includes student tuition fees per academic calendar (i.e. semester) depending on the courses, tuition waiver if any, different fees, fines, etc. It is dynamic in the sense that it accommodates any change in any financial policy, such as, tuition waiver, scholarship, per credit course registration fees, etc. It allows the students to pay the tuition fees through ATM seamlessly. This is transparent to its user, i.e., students and accounts officers so that everyone knows the dues and income in customizable fashion.

Grading and Evaluation

 This provides an interface so that a teacher can provide the marks for his/her assessment in different categories such as class performance, midterm and final, etc. Based on this, grades are assigned for each student in a particular course. The studentโ€™s can see his/her grade after its approved posting (by the registrar office) in the website through Internet from a desktop terminal or mobile device. Based on the studentโ€™s earn GPA in each course, a semester GPA and overall CGPA are calculated and available to the students. Teacherโ€™s evaluation by the students can be performed through an interface before the end of the trimester.

Scholarship list generation

 A list of merit-based scholarship is generated prior to the beginning of each semester and made available to the students. If required, it can also check if there is any violation of university code and ethics by the student and withhold the award scholarship accordingly.


It provides the payroll system for faculties and staffs. In addition, evaluation of each of the employee by his/her superior can be furnished to system to build a portfolio of the respective employee. The scores of studentsโ€™ feedback of the teacher and updated publication list can also be added to the portfolio to reflect the commitment of the teacher toward teaching and research activities. A differential yearly increment based on the performance portfolio can be awarded accordingly. This module will also have a leave management system that can track the number days taken as leave in different category such as casual or earn leave.

Inventory, Accounts and Finance

It maintains an inventory of universityโ€™s assets in different department such as IT hardware and other logistics. Universityโ€™s daily and monthly procurement can also be managed based on the inventory. It should be able to calculate university tax and vat and maintain updates on provident fund and gratuity information for the employees.

Central Authentication System
It provides a central authentication system through which a student, employee or staff can be logged into the UCAM system for any service or query.


There is free Wifi access for students in each floor and lab. Students may search or download educational material from internet. They can perform registration and access ELMS in university campus if they donโ€™t have internet access at home.

Licensed Cadence Tool Set

Brief List of Cadence Tool Suites, Licensed for 3 Years:

  1. The Custom IC Bundle (including Analog/RF/AMS)
    1. Virtuoso AMS Designer Environment
    2. Virtuoso Analog Design Environment -XL
  2. Device Modeling
    1. Virtuoso Advanced Device Modeling (for Eldo / HSPICE)
  3. Digital Integrated Circuits Bundle
    1. First Encounter โ€“XL
    2. ETS Advanced Analysis GXL Option
  4. Verification Bundle
    1. Conformal
    2. Assura
    3. Incisive
  5. DFM Bundle
    1. Voltage Storm
    2. Encounter Power System
  6. DFT Bundle
    1. RC โ€“ DFT Architect Basic/Advanced
    2. Encounter Trur Time ATPG Basic
  7. Characterization Bundle
    1. Virtuoso Liberate
    2. Virtuoso Variety
    3. Virtuoso AMS Designer Verification
    4. Virtuoso MM Simulation
    5. Virtuoso Power System XL
  8. Chip Planning Bundle
    1. Cadence InCyte Chip Estimator -XL
  9. Signal Integrity Bundle
    1. Encounter Timing System -XL
    2. PACIFIC61
    3. Encounter Library Characterizer -XL
  10. PCB Bundle
    1. Allegro
    2. PCB Design Studio
    3. PCB Librarian Expert
  11. Synthesis
    1. Encounter RTL Compiler

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